Indigent Defense Managed Counsel

​​Our Mission

The Mission of Indigent Defense is to improve the delivery of indigent defense services by providing attorney appointments and high quality legal representation to every indigent person, whose case has been entrusted to us by the Collin County District and County Courts. We are dedicated to the vigorous protection of the fundamental rights of our clients in criminal cases for which the appointment of counsel at public expense is provided by law. While acting as strong and ethical advocates for those facing loss of life, freedom or family, we strive to preserve the dignity of the individuals we represent, to keep them and the communities in which they live safe from wrongful convictions and unjust outcomes, and to enhance the integrity of the criminal justice system in Collin County.

The 77th Texas Legislature, through the passage of the Texas Fair Defense Act, established the blueprint for meaningful interaction between State and local government through the creation of the first state body to administer statewide appropriations and policies. In exchange for State fiscal assistance, the local judiciary is required to report its plan for delivering indigent defense services.

Links & Resources

To Request Court Appointed Counsel for your case, please click the link below to complete/submit the application:

Indigent Defense Plans

CPS - EFF 11-1-21.pdfFair Defense Plan for CPS Cases
FelonyPlan.pdfFair Defense Plan for Felony Cases
MISDPlan.pdfFair Defense Plan for Misdemeanor Cases
JuvenilePlan.pdfFair Defense Plan for Juvenile Cases
Fair Defense Plan for Felony Cases.pdfFair Defense Plan for Felony Cases

New & Renewal Criminal & CPS Wheel Applicants

New applications are accepted July 1 - July 14 and November 1 - December  31.

Renewal applications are accepted November 1 - December 31 - all existing wheel attorneys must submit a renewal application during this time period, regardless of when they were added to the wheel.

All wheel applications must be submitted through the online portal by clicking the corresponding link below and are only accessible during the time periods indicated above.

CAA_Requirements_District.pdfRequirements for Receiving District Court Appointments
IDDCAW-Prod.aspxApplication for Attorneys to be placed on Court Appointment List - District Courts
CAA_Requirements_County.pdfRequirements for Receiving County Court at Law Appointments
IDMISDAW-prod.aspxApplication for Attorneys to be placed on Court Appointment List - County Courts at Law
CAA_Requirements_Juvenile.pdfRequirements for Receiving Juvenile Court Appointments
IDJUVAW-Prod.aspxApplication for Attorneys to be placed on Court Appointment List - Juvenile Court
IDCPSMED-PROD.aspxApplication for Attorneys to be placed on Court Appointment List - CPS/CPS Mediator

​For questions, contact Tracye Langley by email at

Important: Incomplete applications or attorneys who do not meet the criteria will not be considered.

Mediator (NON-CPS) & Civil/Family (NON-CPS) Wheel Applicants

Renewal applications are no longer required.

DCMED.aspxApplication for Mediator (Non-CPS) Court Appointment List
DCCivil.aspxApplication for Civil/Family (Non-CPS) Court Appointment List

​For questions, contact the Court Administrator Office by email at​​

Important: Incomplete applications or attorneys who do not meet the criteria will not be considered.

Fee Schedules & Billing Policies

CPSBillingPolicies.pdfCPS Billing Policies
PriorFelony Criminal Case Fee Schedule.pdfFelony Criminal Case Fee Schedule - Appointments 11-1-21 thru 10-31-23
CurrentFelonyCriminalCaseFeeSchedule.pdfFelony Criminal Case Fee Schedule - Appointments On or After 11-1-23

Other Links

TIDC.aspxTexas Indigent Defense Commission