Voter Registration Information

Voter Registration Application

NOTE: This form is to be used for New Applicants, Changing your Address, or Requesting a Replacement Certificate.

Instructions for Completing Application for Voter Registration

Please complete all of the information on the application. Print in ink or type. If you have any questions about how to fill out this application, please call the Secretary of State’s Office toll free at 1-800-252-VOTE (8683), TDD 1-800-735-2989.

  1. Complete questions on the upper right side of application. Indicate by checking the appropriate box, if this application is a new registration, a change of name or address, or request for replacement certificate. Answer all questions.
  2. Name – Give your full name including first, middle, and last. IF you have changed your name, give former name.
  3. Residence Address – Include street address, city, state, and zip. If you do not have a street address, give a description of the location of where you live.
  4. Mailing Address – If mail cannot be delivered to your residence, give a mailing address.
  5. Gender and Telephone Number – are optional. Your voter registration application is open to the public.
  6. Texas Driver’s License Number or Personal I.D. Number– (issued by the Department. of Public Safety). If none, give last 4 digits of your Social Security Number.
  7. City and County of Former Residence – If you were previously registered in another county in Texas, complete this box.
  8. Agent – An agent may apply for voter registration for another person as long as that person is related to the applicant as husband, wife, father, mother, son or daughter. The agent must also be a registered voter or have submitted an application of registration. Indicate the relationship of the agent on the application. Indicate relationship next to signature.
  9. Sign Your Name – If you cannot sign your name next to the X, a person may witness you making your mark. Give the name and address of the person who witnessed your mark above the signature line. If you cannot make a mark, have the witness state the applicant could not make a mark. You do not need a witness if you can sign your name.

The completed form should be printed, signed, and mailed to:


Please Note: For a Voter Registration Application sent by FAX or email to be effective, the original application must be submitted by mail and be received by the registrar not later than the fourth business day after the transmission by FAX or email. You may fax your application to (972) 547-1995 or email it to (Please include "Application was faxed" at the top of the application before you mail the original to our office.)

General Voter Registration Information

You may register to vote at any time. You must be at least 17 years and 10 months old to register. Your voter registration will become effective 30 days after it is received or on your 18th birthday, whichever is later. YOU MUST BE A U.S. CITIZEN TO REGISTER. If you move to another county, you must re-register in the county of your new residence.

If you decline to register to vote, the fact that you have declined to register will remain confidential and will be used only for registration purposes. If you do not register to vote, the office (if applicable) at which you submitted a voter registration application will remain confidential and will be used only for voter registration purposes.

Español: Instrucciones Para Llenar La Solicitud De Inscripcion De Votantes

Sirvase indicar todos los datos que se piden en la solicitud. Escriba con tinta, usando letra de molde, o con maquina de escribir. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la manera de llenar la solicitud. Ilame a las oficinas del Secretrio de Estodo marcando el numero gratuito 1-800-252-VOTE (8683), TDD (servicio parpa sordos) 1-800-735-2989

  1. Usando los espacios en blanco que aparecen sobre el renglon de su firma, por favor senale si esta es la primera vez que solicita inscribirse como votante, si nos esta informando de que ha cambiado de nombre, apellido o domicilio o si esta solicitando que se le envie una copia de su matricula electoral.
  2. Nombre: - Escriba su nombre complete: nombre de pila, Segundo nombre y apellido usual. Si cambio de nombre, ponga el nombre que usaba anteriormente.
  3. Domicillio: – Incluya calle y numero, ciudad, estado y codigo postal. Sis u direccion no es base de calle y numero, indique la ubicacion de su residencia.
  4. Direccion postal: – Si no se le puede entregar su correspondencia a domiciliom indique una direccion postal.
  5. Sexo y Telephono: – Estos datos son optativos. Su solicitud de inscripcion en el registro de votantes es un documento del dominio publico.
  6. Numero de su licenciua tejana de manejar o de su Cedula de identidad: expedida por el Departmento de Seguridad Publica de Tejas si ningun, los ultimos 4 numeros de su cedula de seguro social.
  7. Ciudad y condado de su residencia anterior: – Llene esta parte si ya se habia inscrito para votar en otro condado de Tejas.
  8. Apoderados: – Un apoderado puede solicitor la inscripcion de votante a nombre de otra persona, siempre que sea esposo o esposa, padre or madre, hijo o hija del/de loa solicitante. El apoderado tambien debe estar inscrito en el registro electoral o haber presentado una solicitud de inscripcion y anotar, junto a su firma, su parentesco con el o la votante.
  9. Firmar: – Si usted no puede firmar junto a la X impresa en el formulario, puede pedir que otra persona le sirva de testigo al hacer su marca junto a la X. En el espacio arriba de la linea destinada a su firma, anote el nombrre y la direccion de la persona que da fe de su firma. De no poder hacer una marca, el testigo debera indicar que el o la solicitante no pudo hacerla. Si usted puede firmar con su nombre, no require testigo.
Informacion General Para Votantes

Usted puede inscribirse para votar cuando desee. Para poder inscribirse, debe haber cumplido no menos de 17 anos con 10 meses. Su inscripcion para votar se hara vigente en la fecha que ocurra mas tarde, que sea: a los 30 dias de su recibo o al cumplir usted los 18 anos. USTED DEBER SER CIUDADANO/ A DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS PARA INSCRIBIRSE. En caso de haberse cambiado a otro condado, debera reinscribirses en su Nuevo condado de residenciua.

Si se niega a inscribirse para votar, su nefgativa a inscribirse se mantendra confidencial y solo sera utilizada para fines del registro electoral. Por otra parte, si usted se incribe para votar se mantendra confidencial la indentidad de la oficina (si la hay) en que presento su solicitiud de inscripcion para votar. Esta information solo sera utilizada para fines del registro electoral.

Voter Registration Address Cancellation

Instructions for Updating Your Voter Registration Address

Please complete one the forms listed below depending on which situation applies to you.

  • If you have moved within Collin County, you need to change your address to your new residence. You may use the voter registration application form to accomplish this task.
  • If you have moved out of Collin County, you must register in the county of your new residence before you can vote. You may use the Cancellation Form to help us update our records.

The completed form should printed, signed, and mailed to:


If your completed form indicates that you have moved within Collin County, your new registration will become effective 30 days from the day we receive the blue form. You will be issued a new voting registration certificate and will be able to vote in your new precinct.

If you do not update your voter registration address information, your registration will be canceled after two federal elections. If you have any questions about your registration status, please call the Collin County Elections office at 1-800-687-8546 or (972) 547-1900

Español: Noticia Para Confirmar La Direccion De Registracion De Votantes

La oficina de Administratcion de Elecciones de Collin County se ha informado que usted se cambio a una direccion distinta a la que corrientemente aparece en el registro de votantes.

  • Si usted cambio dentro del candado de Collin (Collin County). Usted tendra que cambiar su direccion a la de su nuevo domicilio. Usted puede usar la forma Formulario De Inscripción Del Registro Del Votante para indicar su nueva direccion.
  • Si usted se cambio afuera del Condado de Collin (Collin County). Usted tendra que registrarse en el condado de su nuevo domicilio antes de que usted pueda votar. Sirvase a usar la formulario de cancelacion incluida aqui, para ayudarnos a revisar nuestros datos.

Si su respuesta indica que usted se ha cambiado dentro del Condado de Collin (Collin County). su registracion sera efectiva a los 30 dias de haberse recibido la forma azul. Se le remitira a usted un certificado nuevo de registracion y usted podra votar en su precinto.

Si usted no responde a esta noticia, su registracion sera cancelada despues de dos elecciones federales.

Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre el estado de su registracion, por favor llame a la oficina de Administratcion de Elecciones de Collin County telefono 1-800-687-8546 o (972) 547-1900.

Voter Registration Certificate

Why did I get a new Voter Registration Certificate in the mail and how do I use it to update my address?

A person must be registered at least 30 days before Election Day. There is not a "length of residence" requirement for voter registration eligibility. You are eligible to submit a voter registration application once you have established a residence address in the county. After you become registered, you will remain registered as long as you do not move or change your mailing address. If the Post Office or County 911 Department change your address, you must submit that address change to our office.

Pursuant to state law, new Voter Registration Certificates are mailed to all registered voters every two years. If any information contained on the certificate is incorrect, turn the certificate over, and write the correct information on the space provided. Return the corrected certificate to the address listed on the front of the certificate.

Common misunderstandings:

  1. In order to become registered when getting a driver's license, you must complete a voter registration application. Just getting a driver's license does not entitle you to vote.
  2. The voter registration list is not the only way to be called for jury duty. If you have a driver's license or DPS identification card, you are already eligible for jury duty.

If you move from one county to another, you must complete a new Voter Registration Application in your new county in order to become registered. Applications are generally available at Post Offices, libraries, and fire stations.