
​​​​​​​LifePath Systems' Mission is to provide countywide, comprehensive Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities services and programs to citizens of the county through cooperative efforts of the Texas Department of Health and Human Services. Board members responsibilities include establishing Center policy, appointment and oversight of the Chief Executive Officer, and fiscal oversight of the Center. The mission is to serve individuals and families impacted by behavioral health, intellectual or developmental challenges, resulting in stronger communities.

Please NOTE: This page is for the Board of Trustees only; for services provided through LifePathgo to this link.

Board Meetings

The Board of Trustees meets the last Thursday each month, at 7 p.m. at alternating LifePath locations in Plano and McKinney.

LifePath Systems Board of TrusteesCourtyard by Marriott Allen, 210 East Stacy Road, Allen, TX, Watters Ballroom12/5/2024 6:00 PM12/5/2024 7:00 PM

Board of Trustee Members

The following is the list of the members currently serving on the LifePath Systems Board.

​Diann GreggExecutive Assistant
Arthur (Trey) CottenSecretary12/31/2025
Dona WatsonVice Chair12/31/2025
Doug KowalskiChair12/31/2024
Ernest MyersTrustee12/31/2025
John DonovanTrustee12/31/2024
Matt DuncanTrustee12/31/2024
Melvin Thathian, J.DTrustee12/31/2024
Ronald (Rick) Crawford, Ed.D.,Trustee12/31/2025
Sgt. Candice Herron, Ex-OfficioLaw Enforcement
Tammy Mahan, MA, LPC-SCEO