There are a number of State of Texas benefit programs to which veterans may be entitled. The following is a
brief description of the most frequently used programs. Contact the Collin County Veteran Services Office at
(972) 881-3060 for more information.
Property Tax Exemption
Total property tax exemption for 100-percent disabled veterans and their surviving spouses.
Veterans with 10-90 percent VA disability can get a reduction of their home‘s assessed value from $5,000 - $12,000
depending on disability percentage. Surviving spouses also qualify. You will need a letter from the Department
of Veteran Affairs (DVA) showing the disability rating and entitlement. You can contact the DVA directly at
800-827-1000 to get this letter. For more information you may also contact the Collin Central Appraisal District
at (469) 742-9200 or visit the Texas Comptroller website.
Disabled Veterans License Plates and Parking Placards
You may apply for disabled veteran license plates for your car, light truck or motorcycle if you have a 50-percent or
higher service-related disability, or at least a 40-percent rating due to amputation of a lower extremity. An
annual $3 fee is collected for the first set of plates and a second set of plates can be obtained by paying the
regular registration fee and any other applicable fees. Persons entitled to license plates for disabled veterans
may also elect to receive a standard license plate at the same cost instead of the disabled veteran plates. You
will need a letter from the Department of Veteran Affairs showing your current disability rating which can be
obtained by calling 800-827-1000. For additional information visit the Department of Motor Vehicle
Parking Privileges for Disabled Veterans
Anyone parking in a disabled parking space must have a disabled person license plate or a disabled parking placard that features the International Symbol of Access (ISA). Disabled veteran license plates that do not include the ISA do not authorize the owner to park in a disabled parking space.
Texans with disabled veteran license plates wishing to use disabled parking spaces may apply for a disabled parking placard or for a new disabled veteran license plate featuring the ISA. The veteran must meet the eligibility requirements for a disabled parking placard or disabled person license plate featuring the ISA. Not all disabilities that qualify a veteran for disabled veteran license plates will qualify a veteran for a disabled veteran license plate featuring the ISA.
The vehicle must be
driven by or for the transportation of the person who registered the vehicle. Contact the Collin County Motor
Vehicle Services at (972) 547-5014. Application forms
can be obtained here.
Specialty License Plates
Disabled Veteran, Former Prisoner of War, Pearl Harbor Survivor, Purple Heart and Medal of Honor plates are among the
special license plates available for personal use on an automobile or light commercial vehicle of on ton or less.
Disabled veterans must have a service-connected disability rating of 50 percent or more, or at least 40 percent due
to amputation of a lower extremity. Former prisoners of war are eligible if they were captured or incarcerated by an
enemy of the United States during a period of conflict and were U.S. citizens at the time of capture. In order
to qualify you will need a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs which can be obtained by calling
800-827-1000 and your military discharge/DD214. A fee schedule and applications can be found here.
Free Drivers License for Disabled Veterans
Veterans with a service-connected disability of at least 60-percent and an honorable discharge can get a Texas driver
license or ID card for free. Proof of the veteran’s disability rating must accompany the application which can
be obtained by contacting the Department of Veterans Affairs at 800-827-1000. For additional information visit
the Texas Department of Public Safety