The mission of the Park & Open Space Program is to implement program elements of the Open Space Strategic Plan in order to promote a high quality of life for current County residents and future generations through the addition of new parks and open space resources.
Our mission will be fulfilled through attention to the following ongoing objectives:
- Propose the means for acquisition and management of the open space system through interaction and cooperation of municipalities, public agencies, private organizations, and individuals.
- Identify natural resources of the county for protection in order to maintain a balance between developed and open landscape, and to preserve rare or unique ecosystems.
- Provide recommendations to maintain and operate County owned (Sister Grove Park and Parkhill Prairie) facilities, including programmed activities, as to protect and enhance the existing natural resources, encourage wise use of the facilities, and educate visitors about the program and the significance of County resources.
The Engineering Department is responsible for overseeing projects approved by the citizens of Collin County and special tasks identified by Commissioners Court, such as Road & Bridge Bond projects, Parks Foundation Advisory Board, Parkhill Prairie, Sister Grove Park, Trinity Trail and Bratonia Park.