
Request IssuanceProbate/Mental Fee Schedule

Our Mission

The mission of the Collin County Probate Department is to effectively manage all estate and guardianship cases, to assist Collin County citizens with the transfer of ownership of property upon death, and to provide a prompt response to public inquiries with courtesy and accuracy.

Monthly Appointments and Fee Reports

Previous Monthly Appointment and Fee Reports are available from the State Office of Court Administration.

What's New

Original Wills

All Original Wills must be filed with the Clerk's Office within 3 days of e-filing the application for probate per Rule 21(f)(12) of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

A hearing will not be set until the original will has been received. Please ensure the application has been accepted in e-file before submitting the original will to the Clerk for filing.

General Information

Collin County Probate Office uses the Texas Estate Code Book for Rules of the Court. The Estate Code can be found on the Texas Constitution and Statutes website.

For all Probate & Guardianship matters, it is recommended that you seek the advice of an attorney.

See the Probate Filing Fees for more information.


Texas Law Requires Representation by Attorney

Chapter 81 of the Texas Government Code requires that a licensed attorney represent the legal interests of any person serving as the administrator or as the executor of an Estate. The Judge of the Collin County Probate Court cannot appoint a person as the administrator or the executor of an Estate unless that person is represented by a licensed attorney. All persons seeking to be appointed as the administrator or as the executor of an Estate must be represented by an attorney.

It is strongly recommended to have an attorney for any cases that do not require an administrator or executor.


Effective June 1, 2018 all guardianships in the state of Texas must be registered with the Judicial Branch Certification Commission (JBCC). All guardianship applicants will be required to submit certain information to JBCC, which will be registered in the guardianship database. A hearing on a Guardianship Application cannot be heard until all requirements have been met. Below are links to the JBCC registration and Identogo for those that are required to submit fingerprints in guardianship of the estate cases that exceed $50,000.

Should you have any questions about this process, please visit the Probate Court's Guardianship Homepage for more information.

JBCC: Guardianship Certification

Identogo locations in Collin County

For legal information, forms and assistance, please visit:

Case Viewing

In an effort to become a paperless office all Probate cases can be viewed using the public computers located in the Probate office. If it is necessary for you to review a paper file, we ask that you make an appointment. Your appointment will be scheduled the same business day as requested. To schedule an appointment you may call us at (972) 548-6461.


For more information please contact the eFileTexas Hotline:

Links & Resources