To view the animals that have been rescued and are currently sheltered by the Collin County Animal Services department, please follow the link below:
If you would like to report a lost or a found animal, please complete the appropriate form below and submit it to Animal Services:
Fill Out a Lost Animal Report:
Microsoft Word or
Fill Out a Found Animal Report:
Microsoft Word or
Reclaim a Pet
IMPORTANT: For owners that wish to reclaim a lost animal from the Collin County Animal Shelter, please refer to the link below information regarding the animal reclaim procedure:
To Reclaim a lost/stray domestic animal (Dog, Cat or Ferret):
You must have proof of current rabies vaccination for the animal, issued by a licensed veterinarian. Metal rabies tags are not sufficient proof of vaccination; only a written, paper certificate issued by a veterinarian is acceptable.
If the animal is not current on rabies vaccination, you must go to the veterinarian of your choice and pre-pay for a rabies vaccination. You must then submit proof that you have prepaid for a rabies vaccination for that animal. You must also present proof of the actual vaccination within 24 hours of the animal’s release from the Shelter, or citations will be issued.
No dog, cat or ferret will be released without proof of current rabies vaccination.
All applicable fees are due prior to the release of the animal (refer to the
fee schedule for a listing of the applicable fees).
We accept credit cards (non-refundable convenience charge of 2.30% or $1 minimum applied to transaction total) or cash only for animal redemptions (no checks accepted).
View the Stray/Lost Animals Currently Residing at the Collin County Animal Shelter
To reclaim lost/stray livestock
For each animal impounded at the Shelter, there will be an impoundment fee, plus a care/housing fee for each day of impoundment. Additional fees may also apply, including trailer fees, overtime charges, materials charges, and veterinarian charges. Refer to the
fee schedule for a listing of the applicable fees.
All applicable fees are due prior to the release of the animal (refer to the
fee schedule for a listing of the applicable fees).
We accept credit cards (non-refundable convenience charge of 2.30% or $1 minimum applied to transaction total) or cash only for animal redemptions (no checks accepted).