The mission of Collin County Tuberculosis Clinic is to prevent, control, and eliminate the spread of TB in Collin County. We plan to accomplish this mission by developing effective communication with providers and the public, providing quality diagnostic and treatment services, strengthening our surveillance and epidemiologic investigations, and improving the public's knowledge about the disease. As a county health department, we are well-equipped and qualified to perform all of the state's mandated tasks to accomplish our mission.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease. It was once the leading cause of death in the U.S. TB is caused by the bacteria
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is spread through the air. Most TB disease occurs in the lungs but TB can affect any part of the body.
TB Infection
For some people who breathe in the TB germs, the germs are not active and may stay that way for a short time or for years. Having a TB infection (also known as Latent TB Infection or LTBI) does not mean that the person has active TB disease. Some people with a TB infection never develop TB disease. because the body is able to fight the bacteria and stop it from growing. However, for people with a weakened immune system or other risk factors, the TB germs may become active later. This type of infection which develops later in life is referred to as as latent TB infection. People with latent TB infections cannot spread TB bacteria to others.
Active TB
In people with active TB disease, the following symptoms may be present:
- Feeling of sickness, weakness
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Night sweats
- Coughing, persistent
- Coughing up blood
- Chills
A person with
active TB can pass the TB germs to others usually through coughing. Individuals with the following risk factors are more likely to develop TB:
- A weakened immune system, such as persons with HIV/AIDS, leukemia, cancer , diabetes, and other serious illnesses
- Taking medicines such as TNF-alpha which may affect the immune system
- Recently infected with TB in the last two years
- Treated in the past for TB, but did not complete treatment or was not treated with the proper medications
The Collin County Health Care Services Tuberculosis Clinic offers screening for TB either through a TB skin test or a blood test to tell if you have the TB germs. Visit the
Tuberculosis Elimination—Diagnosis Services section for more information. It is important that you obtain this test if you live with or have frequent close contact with someone with active TB or if you have HIV/AIDS. If you live with someone who has signs of TB the health department may ask you to be tested.
Tuberculosis Control, Prevention, and Elimination through CCHCS TB Clinic Services
The Collin County Health Care Services Tuberculosis Clinic provides our community with a wide range of services to control, prevent, and eliminate tuberculosis. Patients may be referred to the clinic. When a patient has been diagnosed with either active or latent TB infection, the Collin County TB physician will work with the patient to devise a treatment plan. These services are free of cost and include:
- Receiving and acting on reports of patients with TB infection or who have active TB disease.
- Conducting regular epidemiology surveillance of TB cases within Collin County
- Providing general information, education, and consultations related to TB for area health care providers, hospitals, schools, daycare centers, business owners, and other organizations/agencies.
- Accepting referrals from area health care providers for patients diagnosed with Latent TB Infection or active TB disease.
- Providing thorough evaluation and treatment for patients infected with TB, who have active TB disease, who are suspected of having active TB disease, and individuals who were exposed to a person with or suspected to have active TB disease.
- Conducting contact investigations to prevent the spread of tuberculosis
- The assignment of a Nurse Case Manager to oversee the treatment and progress of each case of active TB.
- Providing and delivering medication on a daily basis to patients who are required to have directly observed therapy either at their home, school, work, or other mutually agreed upon location.
- Providing regular check-ups by clinical staff and a physician to monitor the effects of the prescribed medication and treatment progress.
- Placing referrals to other health care providers, local and state health departments, and other community assistance agencies as needed to help patients overcome obstacles to completing their tuberculosis treatment.
- Using additional legal measures, such as court-ordered isolation, to prevent the spread of tuberculosis when a patient does not follow their treatment plan as ordered by the Local Health Authority.
Effective communication between the health department, provider, and the patient is critical in ensuring that the TB case is being treated and controlled adequately. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our clinic staff members at (972) 548-5510.
Clinic Locations and Hours of Operation
Collin County TB Clinic is located at:
Collin County Health Care Services
825 N. McDonald St. # 135
McKinney, Texas 75069
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 am-11 am & 1 pm-4 pmTuberculosis Prevention—Reporting
TB is listed as one of the required reportable conditions according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). The State of Texas requires all suspected or diagnosed cases of TB to be reported WITHIN ONE BUSINESS DAY to the Local Health Authority and all occurrences of Latent TB Infection (LTBI) no later than one week after diagnosis. Doctors, hospitals, labs, etc. are required by law to report TB (both infection and active disease) to the local public health department.
To report a TB case, download and print the Collin County
TB Suspect/Case Report form and FAX the completed form to (972) 548-5514. If you have questions about reporting, concerns, or would like to call in your report, please contact our clinic staff members at (972) 548-5510.
For additional information on the Texas laws related to reporting tuberculosis, please refer to the
Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Part 1, Chapter 97, Subchapter H, Rule 97.178
Tuberculosis Elimination—Diagnostic Services by Appointment Only
The Collin County Health Care Services TB Clinic provides TB screening in the form of a TB blood test (Interferon Gamma Release Assay or IGRA) to county residents. In a recent report issued by DSHS on their website
(The Big Picture, Risk Factors Associated with TB Cases), they note that "although the tuberculin skin test has been the conventional screening method in Texas, regional and local tuberculosis programs are adopting the IGRA test as the standard tool to screen for TB." Individuals less than 5 years of age are eligible for a TB skin test (TST). Both the IGRA and TST are available by appointment through the TB clinic on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8-11:00 a.m. and 1-3:00 p.m.
Please note the following important reminders regarding TB Testing
Office Visit (physician) for persons requesting a change in immigration status through their civil surgeons | $200.00 | Monday - Friday | TB Skin Test (for individuals less than 5 years of age); requires 2 visits | $75.00 | First Visit (Tuesday), Second Visit (Thursday) OR First Visit (Wednesday), Second Visit (Friday) | TB blood test (IGRA), brand name "T-Spot" | $150.00 | Tuesday or Wednesday |
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TB Blood (IGRA, "T-Spot")--for individuals 5 years of age and older
Any person over the age of five years requesting or needing a TB screening will be offered a "T-Spot" which is the brand name of the IGRA blood test used by our clinic. In most cases, the IGRA test results are available in 3-4 business days, and individuals may be notified of negative test results by phone. Any person needing a copy of negative test results may request a copy. Depending on the reason for testing, the copy of the negative results may be mailed to the patient or may require a return appointment to pick up the results during clinic hours.
TB Skin Test (TST)--for individuals less than 5 years of age
Please note that appointments for requesting TB skin testing are required, and
patients are required to make two visits to the clinic. The first visit is to receive the test, and the second visit, which takes place after 48 to 72 hours, is for the TB nurse to consult the patient about the test results.
Please note the following important reminders:
- You will be informed of the date when the TB Skin Test is to be read prior to administration.
- If you cannot return for the reading, the screening test should be rescheduled.
- You will receive documentation of the receipt of a TB Skin Test screening when results are read.
- All TB Skin Tests administered by health department staff will be read by health department staff.
- TB Skin Tests administered elsewhere will not be read by health department staff except in special circumstances. Readings will be done only when full documentation of the TB Skin Test is provided, including when and where the test was administered.
Any person having a positive TB blood test (IGRA, "T-Spot") or skin test (TST) that was placed and read by Collin County staff will be given a chest x-ray referral form to take to a radiology center to receive a necessary chest x-ray. Clinic staff will also schedule for a follow-up evaluation with the Collin County TB physician.
Note that individuals are responsible for the cost of the chest x-ray.
For individuals going through the immigration process who need clearance for tuberculosis and/or documentation from the local health department, please call our TB clinic staff members at (972) 548-5510 for more information and to schedule an appointment. Any vaccines required for the immunization process are assessed through the Immunization Program.
Contact Information
Program Manager:
Candice Christian, RN
TB Clinic contact information:
(972) 548-5510
(972) 548-5514 (Fax)
Links & Resources