County Court at Law 3


Click on the name to email one of the staff members listed below.

(972) 548-3833Chad HumphreyBailiff / Court Officer
(972) 548-3695Mindy QuintCourt Administrator
(972) 548-3834Claudia WebbCourt Reporter
(214) 491-4802Nessa ReidProgram Coordinator, AMHC

Announcements and Best Practices

County Courts at Law Order Limiting Access to Secured Areas

County Courts at Law: Standing Order No.1 Redacting of Videos

County Courts at Law: Standing Order No.2 Compensation of Court Appointed Special Commissioners for Condemnations Suits

County Courts at Law: Standing Order No.3 Use of Artificial Intelligence for any Court Filing

County Courts at Law: Standing Order No.4 Required Fees for Monitoring Alcohol Detection Devices for Occupational Drivers License ("ODL")

County Court at Law #3, Standing Orde​r 2: Criminal​ Docket Control

Documents and Forms

Mediator List​

Petition for Occupational Driver License

Order for Occupational Driver License

Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Cost or an Appeal Bond

Useful Link​s

Case Lookup & Court Schedules Check the Court's Docket or get information about a specific individual case. You'll need to know the cause number or the exact name of the parties.

Download Center Download forms and rules used by the Court.

Useful Phone Numbers

Court Collections(972) 548-3899
Law Library(972) 548-4260