296th District Court


There are no items to show in this view of the "Announcements" list.


​Click on the name to send an email to one of the 296th staff members listed below.

Bill Rollins(972) 548-4410Bailiff
Charla Kiser(972) 548-4409Court Coordinator
Jan Dugger(972) 548-4407Court Reporter
Amanda Garcia(​469) 974-7731North Texas Regional Veteran Treatment Court Program Director/Coordinator


BenchTrialDiscoveryControlPlanandSchedulingOrder.pdf296th Bench Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order
296plan.pdf296th Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order
296SampleAffidavitforProve-Divorce.pdf296th Sample Affidavit for Prove-Up Divorce
VeteransCourtFlyer.pdfVeterans Court Flyer
VeteransCourtProgramBrochure.pdfVeterans Court Program Brochure
Veterans Court Program Application.pdfVeteransCourtProgramApplication

Texas Veteran Commission​​

This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance.
The Fund for Veterans' Assistance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and their families.
