366th District Court

​​​ Announcements​

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Click on the name to send an email to one of the 366th staff members listed below.

BailiffJames Pond(972) 548-4571
Court CoordinatorMisty Beaty(972) 548-4570
Court ReporterAntoinette Varela(972) 548-4572


366thBondReinstatementNISIProcedures.pdf366th Bond Reinstatement NISI Procedures
366thCivilandFamilyCourtPolicies.pdf366th Civil and Family Court Policies
366thCivilJuryDiscoveryControlPlan.pdf366th Civil Jury Discovery Control Plan
CourtroomDecorumOrder.pdf366th Courtroom Decorum Order
366thCriminalCasePolicies.pdf366th Criminal Case Policies
366thPassSlip-FillablePDF.pdf366th Pass Slip – Fillable PDF
366thPassSlip-PrintablePDF.pdf366th Pass Slip – Printable PDF
366thRemoteHearingInstructions.pdf366th Remote Hearing Instructions
366thTBCDiscoveryControlPlan.pdf366th TBC Discovery Control Plan
AttorneyWithdrawalChecklist.pdfAttorney Withdrawal Checklist
DefaultJudgmentChecklist.pdfDefault Judgment Checklist
FinancialInformationSheet.pdfFinancial Information Sheet
ProposedPropertyDivisionWorkbook.pdfProposed Property Division Workbook
TemporaryorFinalOrdersAgreementChecklist.pdfTemporary or Final Orders Agreement Checklist

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