District Courts Home

​​​​​​​​For copies of court documents or questions about e-Filing, please contact the District Clerk.

* Local Administrative District Judge

Our Mission​

To efficiently, impartially and fairly manage and resolve the variety of controversies and disputes that are filed with and fall under the jurisdiction of the court. The jurisdiction of the District Courts is determined by the constitution and statute. It is subject to change and alteration by the legislature, but generally speaking, the jurisdiction includes felony criminal cases, civil cases with greater amounts in controversy, and family law matters.​​​

​Local Rules & Standing Orders

DistrictCourtRules.pdfLocal Rules - Collin County District Courts
NoticeofAdministrativeTransferPolicy.pdfNotice of Administrative Transfer Policy
LocalRulesProtectiveOrder.pdfProtective Order Form
StandingDiscoveryOrderforCriminalCases.pdfStanding Discovery Order for Criminal Cases
StandingOrderChildrenPropertyConduct.pdfStanding Order on Children, Property, & Conduct of Parties
Standing_Order_Regarding_HIPPA_The_Texas_Medical_Privacy_Act,_and_Drug_Testing_Records.pdfStanding Order Regarding HIPAA
Standing_Order_Regarding_Online_Publication_of_Sensitive_Data.pdfStanding Order Regarding Online Publication of Sensitive Data

Helpful Links

Case Lookup & Court Schedules
Indigent Defense
Alternatives to Litigation
TJB | Judicial Data | Statistics & Other Data | District & County Court-Level Reporting (txcourts.gov)