
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Collin County posts a vast amount of open records on this website, sometimes making the task of accessing these open sources a bit daunting. We created this page to help you navigate to the most important parts of open government that we have to offer.

Two recent additions include a searchable archive of Commissioners Court agendas and support documentation, going back to 2005, and what we call a line-ite​​m budget spreadsheet going back five fiscal years that will allow visitors to sort and analyze data.

Traditional Finances Summary

As an introduction to what we collect and spend, this summary gives expenditure and revenue totals for the county's Operating Budget. Our budget documents and links below provide a great deal more detail, as do the links for county debt, but these figures include per capita calculations, based on U.S. Census Bureau population estimates as of July 1, 2020, the latest available, which is 1,064,465.

Collin County, TexasCurrent Fiscal Year (2022)Per Capita*


$ 221,846,523


$ 238,461,611

Property Tax Revenue

$ 191,278,330

Sales Tax Revenue


Full-time Positions


The Budget

County Budget: This is the spot to look over how we plan to spend county tax dollars. You can pour through our current adopted budget for the details, or browse the Budget-In-Brief​. For those who want to drill down into figures, we posted a spreadsheet that holds comparable data back to Fiscal Year 2010, in what some might refer to as "raw data," or a "line-item" budget layout.

Drilling down into the numbers

We've posted what some folks refer to as "line item" budget figures for Collin County, in spreadsheet form.* Before you dive into this file, however, we wanted to pass along some information that might help make this large chain of data more navigable and understandable. This document includes the Adopted, Adjusted and Actual Budget for each year, going back to Fiscal Year 2014.

A Few Parameters

  • The Adopted Budget does not include bond funds.
  • The Adjusted Budget includes so-called "carry-forwards," funding carried from the previous budget year into the next fiscal year, as well as new bond projects created due to the sale of bonds for that year.
  • The Actuals include all expenditures for that particular fiscal year. The bond projects are budgeted on a "project-to-date" basis, whereas the rest of the budget is "fiscal year-to-date." This means the bond funds (401-498) may appear to have exceeded their budget when, in fact, they have not. A similar situation applies to Grant Funds. The majority of the grants are budgeted on the State of Texas fiscal year (Sept. 1-Aug. 31) while Collin County's fiscal year runs from Oct. 1-Sept. 30.
  • The document you are downloading is a "fiscal year-to-date" report, based on the county's current fiscal year.
  • Despite the line-item term, please note that Collin County budgets by "category."
  • Categories are included and subtotaled on the spreadsheet.

Additionally, we have past budgets and and quarterly statistical reports on areas such as the Judiciary, Health and Welfare, or Public Safety.

The Tax Rate

Also, you may want to take a look at the county’s tax rate, compared to area cities and other local taxing entities, from the County Tax Assessor and Collector.


Financial Reports: Also in our Budget Documents page are the most current quarterly reports on the General Fund, and the Road & Bridge Fund.

Over in the County Auditor’s pages, you can find his most recent Annual Fiscal Reports.

The Debt

County Debt​: This is our newest addition to this page, where our County Auditor and Budget Department put together a graphic summary and breakdown of Collin County’s outstanding debt. Want a second opinion? Check out the Comptroller’s for debt-per-capita comparisons at state and local levels.

County Check Registers: We were the first county in the nation to open up our checkbook for public inspection. The data here is posted by the County Auditor, and includes a searchable line-item list of monthly expenses dating back to Oct. 1, 2007. It’s updated after each Commissioners Court meeting.

Going a step further, the Auditor has been posting procurement card (government credit card) statements here for several years, and here's why: The county check register may show a large single payment to Citibank, for example, without detail. By posting the procurement card statement, it allows the public to see every transaction including the vendor, the amount, and the employee or department that made the purchase on behalf of the county. These statements aren’t just online, but are sent to the Commissioners Court for review. From this page you can also find many other records of financial transactions, such as regular county payroll summaries, county utility rates and payouts, and salary information on elected and apointed officials, as well as county department heads.

Contracts and Procurement Transparency

This is a new feature that let's you learn more about the county's Purchasing Agent handles all county contracts and the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment for county use.

Additionally, we highly recommend these tools and services to make it easier to monitor the everyday workings of county government:

Public Meetings

Commissioners Court Videos: Simply put, an archive of every Commissioners Court meeting since January 2008 -- all tied to the court’s agenda, so viewers can jump to discussions, votes and presentations with the click of a mouse. Of course, you’re always invited to watch the court live.


Public Notices/Agendas/Minutes: Check here for any and all public meetings and notices for the Commissioners Court, plus we've included a searchable database of Court activity that goes back more than 10 years and allows you to look at any an all documentation for virtually every decision made by Commissioners Court.

For other official meetings -- such as the Board of Judges, the Bail Bond Board, the Historical Commission, the Parks Foundation Advisory Board -- the County Clerk has listings of agendas and meeting times.


County Projects: Check on roadway construction projects from a list, or select them from an interactive map. Either way, viewers can walk away with an update on the status of all of our construction projects, from building a new Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program building to Transportation Bond projects, rural road work, and projects funded by Regional Toll Revenue.

Also, you can keep up with us on Facebook and Twitter.

If all else fails, please check with our Public Information Office for more information and links, including how to file an open records request.

Finally, should you need to contact any of your county officials, we have a complete list of Elected Officials and Appointed Officials.

Learn how county government serves you.