Budget and Finance


The Budget and Finance Department supports the Commissioners Court with fiscal planning, monitoring, and policy analysis that assist the Court in making well-informed policy and financial decisions.

Latest News

FY 2024 Adopted Budget

FY 2024 Adopted Budget - Numbers Only

FY 2024 Capital Improvement Program

Collin County Receives GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for 20th Consecutive Year

2025 Budget Workshops


  • Preparing an accurate fiscal plan for the Commissioners Court in the form of the Recommended Budget, Proposed Budget​, Adopted Budget​, and Fee Schedule​​ documents.
  • Preparing the Capital Improvement Program​ to assist the Commissioners Court in planning for the long-term capital needs of the County.
  • Coordinating bond sale efforts with the county's bond attorneys and financial advisors.
  • Serving as co-chair to the County's Investment Committee. Investment Policy
  • Providing policy recommendations to help county departments be more cost efficient.
  • Performing operational analysis and costing studies.
  • Coordinating with area cities and Economic Development Corporations on Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone analysis.
  • Monitoring legislative activities and reporting on the effect to the County.
  • Engaging county departments in converting to a performance management philosophy that places emphasis on the County Mission and Vision.
  • Serving as representatives on various technical, judicial and administrative committees.
  • Conducting special projects as requested by the Commissioners Court.

Economic Incentives

Collin County is committed to the promotion of quality development in all parts of the County and to improving the quality of life for its citizens. In order to help meet these goals, Collin County will consider providing the following incentive to stimulate economic development:

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ)

Collin County may consider participation in municipal Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones based upon our TIRZ Policy. Annual TIRZ Reports can be found on each municipality's EDC web sites.

Bond Ratings

Ratings for the 2024 Series

S & P Global Ratings​​ assigned its 'AAA' long-term rating to Collin County, Texas' approximately $212 million series 2024 limited-tax permanent improvement and refunding bonds. At the same time, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'AAA' long-term rating on the county's unlimited and limited-tax general obligation (GO) debt.

Moody's Investors Service states Collin County's (Aaa stable) benefits from the county’s very large, dynamic, and rapidly expanding economy supported by the presence of several large national and regional corporate headquarters which is fueling population growth and strong resident income and full value per capita. The county’s financial management is very conservative, evidenced by a long-term trend of maintaining operating reserves well in excess of 35% of revenue. The county’s leverage, while slightly above Aaa medians, remains manageable given strong operating revenue growth.

If you're looking for updated information on the county's debt, see our Primer on County Debt.

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