Excellence in Procurement for 22 Years Running

Excellence in procurement awardThe Collin County Purchasing Department has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement® (AEP) from the National Procurement Institute, Inc. (NPI).   The AEP Award is earned by agencies that demonstrate a commitment to procurement excellence. This annual program recognizes procurement organizations that embrace Innovation, Professionalism, Productivity, Leadership, and e-Procurement.

The AEP program encourages the development of excellence as well as continued organizational improvement to earn the award annually.

For 2024, there were 198 successful applicants including 72 cities, 49 counties, 25 special districts, 23 school districts, 16 higher education agencies, 5 state or provincial agencies and 8 others. 

In addition to the National Procurement Institute, Inc. (NPI), the AEP is sponsored by the California Association of Public Procurement Officials (CAPPO), Canadian Public Procurement Council / Conseil canadien des marchés publics (CPPC), Florida Association of Public Procurement Officials (FAPPO), Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), National Association of Educational Procurement (NAEP), NIGP: The Institute for Public Procurement and Texas Public Purchasing Association (TxPPA). 

The AEP is supported by the Airport Purchasing Group (APG), AXIA Cooperative, GOVMVMT, NCPP The Professional Association for Cooperative Procurement, OMNIA Partners, Pavilion, Strategic Government Resources (SGR), Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC), and the Universal Public Procurement Certification Council (UPPCC).