Road Paving Program

​In 2004, Collin County launched an ambitious program to pave all dirt and rock county roads. Since then, Public Works has paved over 400 miles of these roads with less than 50 miles remaining to improve. In addition to paving, these roads are often widened to enhance safety. To accomplish this, the County relies on voluntary easements from the respective landowners on both sides of the road.

Many government and university studies have established the inherent benefits of paved roads vs unimproved roads over the years. Among them are:

Asphalt is more environmentally friendly

The amount of dust and road material dissipated into the air declines emphatically as well as requests for road oiling.

Safety is improved for all citizens

Paved roads offer shorter braking distances and greater control in both wet and dry conditions. Also, regulatory signs can be installed and enforced on paved roads.

Less money spent on road maintenance

Because the flexbase material must be replenished at regular intervals, rock roads generally cost more to maintain than their asphalt counterparts.

The special characteristics and aesthetics of each road are important and Public Works strives to preserve every road's integrity and unique character. Below are a few examples of road projects prior to improvements and upon completion.


Rock and Dirt Road 1
Rock and Dirt Road 1
Rock and Dirt Road 1


Asphalt Road 1
Asphalt Road 1
Asphalt Road 1

Although Collin County has recorded significant progress with the Paving Program, there is more work ahead. Many of the remaining roads are classified as "Mutual Boundary" roads meaning the County shares maintenance responsibility with a city or town. Before Public Works can improve the road, an agreement must be forged with that municipality first. Because of this, the program's ultimate completion date is uncertain. Despite these challenges, Collin County will continue working diligently with all parties to deliver the safest roads possible.

To monitor or review past and current projects, click the links below.

Current Projects Past Projects