Citizen Self-Service

All NEW permit and NEW plan applications need to be applied for online through the CSS Portal. The online portal will streamline these processes through digital plan review, online permit and plan applications, online payments and online inspection requests with real-time status of your transactions available in the portal. Paper form applications will no longer be accepted.

How Do I Use The CSS Portal?

  • An account will have to be created with your email address before you can apply for a permit, plan or request an inspection.
  • Any documents submitted for review will need to be in the format specified on the attachment screen.
  • Invoices will be sent through the CSS portal for all plan, permit and inspection fees. There is a merchant fee for all credit card payments of 3.95% ($6.95 minimum). This nonrefundable fee is labeled as a “Processing Fee” and is not collected by the County.
  • Inspections will be requested through the CSS portal.

CSS Portal User Guides
