494th District Court


There are no items to show in this view of the "Announcements" list.


BailiffKristoffer Lea(972) 548-3873
Court CoordinatorNicole Garcia(972) 548-3870
Court ReporterCoral Wahlen(972) 548-3874


240930-AdministrativeTransferOrder.pdf494th Administrative Transfer Order
494AffidavitforProveUp.pdf494th Affidavit for Prove Up
494BenchTrialDCPSO.pdf494th Bench Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order
494JuryTrialDCPSO.pdf494th Jury Trial Discovery Control Plan and Scheduling Order
494TrialAnnouncementLetter.pdf494th Trial Announcement Letter
DefaultJudgmentChecklists.pdfDefault Judgment Checklist
InformationforSelf-RepresentedPartiesinDivorceCases.pdfInformation for Self-Represented Parties in Divorce Cases