This summary is designed to help your company participate in the market created by the County's needs. The
demand for goods and services within the County results in a continuous need for items of every nature and
description. Chances are that the County is in the market for the items/services you sell. We hope this summary will
help you become familiar with our policies and procedures for procurement, which in turn will aid in selling your
products/services to the County.
Department Organization
County purchasing procedures are governed by Local Government Code, Chapter 262. These statutes,
including interpretations of them made by Texas courts, are the ultimate authority on the validity of purchasing
procedures. The Purchasing Department is a member of the administrative team of Collin County. The Purchasing Agent
of Collin County is charged with the responsibility of purchasing all supplies, materials, and equipment required or
used, and contract for repairs to property used by the County and supervises all purchases and contracts required by
law to be made on competitive bid. The Purchasing Agent maintains surplus inventory and disposes of all excess,
obsolete or unserviceable equipment by auction, or other means as provided by law.
It is the policy of Collin County that all purchasing shall be conducted strictly in accordance with the laws of the
State of Texas and policies adopted by the Collin County Commissioners Court. The County will consider:
- The price
- The quality of the product
- The suitability of the product for the intended use.
- The ability, experience, efficiency, integrity, and financial responsibility of the bidder. Where appropriate,
the County shall require the bidder to demonstrate that it has a good safety record.
How Do I Contact Purchasing?
Collin County Purchasing
Collin County Administration Building
2300 Bloomdale Rd., Suite
McKinney, TX 75071 (972) 548-4165 (McKinney)
(972) 424-1460 ext. 4165 (Metro)
(972) 548-4694 (Fax, Main Office)
547-5305 (Fax, Justice Center Remote Site)
8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday
- What Procurement Methods Are Used?
Purchases Under $50,000
- Informal Telephone Quotes
- Formal Quotations
Purchases Exceeding $50,000
- Invitation for Bid (IFB)
- Request for Proposal (RFP)
- Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
- Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP)
Cooperative Government Contracts
- State Contracts
- Interlocal Government Contracts
- How Do I Get On Bidder's List?
Collin County has joined with OpenGov Procurement. Vendors will receive automatic
regarding bids in their commodity class and may download specifications. This system enables us to improve our
service to you by providing automatic bid notification and instant access to bid information via the web.
Collin County strongly urges ALL potential bidders to register with OpenGov Procurement.
General information regarding current solicitations is available on the County's web site.
Vendors remain on the bidders' list as long as they continue in good standing with Collin County and
return a
bid request or respond with a "No Bid" to bid requests.
- Where And When Are Solicitations Advertised?
- Normally on Sundays in the
Plano Star Courier.
- Solicitation notices are also listed on the County's web site by selecting "Current Bids".
- How Can I Receive Solicitation Information?
- Vendors registered with OpenGov Procurement will automatically receive notification
IFB's, RFP's, RFI's, and RFQ's for the commodities they have chosen.
- A list of current IFB's, RFP's, RFI's, and RFQ's will be displayed on the Purchasing
under "Current Bids".
- Vendors registered with OpenGov Procurement will be able to download IFB's,
RFP's, RFI's, and RFQ's directly from the website at no charge.
- Professional Services (Architects, Engineers, and Surveyors) procured under Government Code 2254
also register with OpenGov Procurement for notification.
- Where Do I Submit My Responses To IFB's/RFP's/RFI's/RFQ's ?
Collin County prefers to receive all responses electronically. Responses may be submitted in electronic format
via OpenGov Procurement.
Hard Copy submittals will be accepted at the following address:
Collin County Purchasing Department Collin County Administration Building
2300 Bloomdale Rd., Suite 3160
McKinney, TX 75071
By the date and time specified in each solicitation
- Can A Solicitation Response Be Sent By Facsimile?
At this time there is no allowance for the RECEIPT of solicitation responses by facsimile.
- Who Can Attend The Solicitation Openings?
Everyone is always welcome to attend openings excluding, by state statute, High Technology, Insurance, and
Professional Service proposals.
- May I Submit A Late Solicitation Response?
Collin County does not accept late sealed bids/proposals. The time/date stamp clock in the Collin County
Department, 2300 Bloomdale Rd., Suite 3160, McKinney, TX 75071 office shall be the official time of receipt for
Invitation for Bids (IFB) and Request for Proposals (RFP). IFB's and/or RFP's received after submission
deadline shall be returned unopened and will be considered void and unacceptable.
- What Factors Determined To Whom The Solicitation Is Awarded?
All solicitations are awarded to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best bid taking into
consideration all evaluating factors. All sealed bids (purchases exceeding $50,000) are submitted to
Court for award. Awards on quotations for products and services under $50,000 are determined by the Purchasing
- Where Do I Send Invoices?
Collin County Auditor's Office
Collin County Administration Building
2300 Bloomdale Rd.,
McKinney, TX 75071