90-day outdoor burn ban issued for unincorporated Collin County
The Collin County Commissioners Court on Monday approved an outdoor ban for unincorporated areas of Collin County effective August 26, 2024 due to extremely dry conditions in rural areas. The 90-day ban will remain in effect until November 24, 2024, unless the Texas Forest Service or the Commissioners Court determines that it is no longer necessary.
The order does not prohibit outdoor burning activities related to public health and safety that are authorized by the Texas Commission on Environment Quality for: (1) firefighting training; (2) public utility, natural gas pipeline or mining operations; or (3) burns that are conducted by a prescribed burn manager certified under Section 153.048 of the Natural Resources Code, and meet the standards of Section 153.047 of the Natural Resources Code.
Authority for the ban falls under Local Government Code 352.081 and other applicable statues.
The full text of the outdoor burn ban is posted here Court Order 2024-832-08-26.pdf.
The Outdoor Burning Rule:
Collin County cannot issue permits or authorize outdoor burning.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has generally prohibited outdoor burning with few exceptions. These
exceptions can be found in the TCEQ Outdoor Burning Rules which have been designed to protect the environment and promote public health and safety. The Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 111.209 (1), (2), (3), (4)(A),(6), (7) provide the laws pertaining to outdoor burning exceptions and can be found at the
TCEQ website.
The TCEQ does not issue burning permits. If your situation fits all requirements for one of the exceptions described in the rule, you may conduct outdoor burning, as long as you comply with all the conditions. Depending on the circumstances, you may also need approval from the appropriate regional TCEQ office before you burn.
The authority to conduct outdoor burning does not exempt or excuse any person of the responsible from the consequences, damages, or injuries resulting from outdoor burning.
It also does not exempt or excuse anyone from complying with all other applicable laws, ordinances, or regulations in Collin County.
To report someone who is illegally burning contact the TCEQ Region 4 office at 817-588-5800. The TCEQ’S environmental hotline may also be used at 888-777-3186.
Neither the Collin County Fire Marshal nor any other county office can give permission to conduct outdoor burning; only the TCEQ can determine if the request meets an outdoor burning exception.
For an explanation of the Outdoor Burn Rules please visit the
TCEQ website and search outdoor burning.