IMPORTANT NOTICE: All Tier II Reports are due to the State, local LEPC and Fire Department by March 1st of each year. Collin County’s LEPC receives reports in hard copy, or .pdf by either email to, or by regular mail to the Collin County LEPC mailing address.
To search a list of Tier II Reports on file with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for
unincorporated Collin County,
please go here.
Tier II Chemical Inventory Reports
Our Mission here is to:
- Work with business and industry to improve participation in mandatory Tier II Chemical annual reporting and promote maximum utilization of Material Safety Data Sheets.
- Increase awareness and emphasize importance of reporting significant releases and up-to-date, accurate inventories.
- Obtain and provide the general public with information mandated under EPCRA and SARA Title III; support the adopted County Emergency Response Plan; utilize Tier II information to enhance the performance of first responders and supporting agencies within Collin County and the region.
What Chemicals Must be Reported
Hazardous Materials subject to regulation include:
- Extremely Hazardous Substances
- Hazardous Substances
- Hazardous Chemicals over 10,000 lbs.
- Toxic Chemicals
- EPA Response Management Plan List of Toxics & Flammables
It is the responsibility of the business/industry to determine what chemicals and corresponding Threshold Planning Quantities (TPQ) are to be reported. Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) accompanying materials.
For Frequently Asked Questions and lists, refer to the
TCEQ website or the
Failure to report can result in a Federal, state and local civil violation if:
- An incident occurs and no Tier II Report is on file with either of the above;
- A spill or release of a reportable nature is not reported within the specified time-frame as required by law, whether or not first responders were dispatched.
Additionally, responding agencies are entitled by law to recover the costs of securing, containing, and managing an incident.
Important Dates to Remember
ALL Tier II Reports and copies are due to your local Fire Department and the Collin County LEPC by March 1st of each year, for the previous year January 1 through December 31 (for example, filing deadline March 1st, 2008 for January 1 through December 31, 2007).
In the State of Texas Tier II Reports may be submitted
any time between January 1 and March 1; avoid the rush and file early.
Since September 2006, all Tier II Reports required by the Texas Department of State Health Services must be prepared electronically; either via
Tier II Submitor mailed to the State on disk with the accompanying filing fee.