​​​​Collin County Mobility Plan

Collin County's Mobility Plan Update is now complete. About every five years, we review the changing transportation needs of county residents and businesses. This update began in 2012 and was finalized in August 2014, identifing and coordinating transportation needs of our growing population, and serving as a guide for future investments in transportation facilities and services that people in Collin County need and want. Also, we've included a 2016 addendum/update to this plan for viewing.​

This process went through four stages:

  • A review of the results of the county's 2007 Mobility Update;
  • Analyses of the county's current and projected population and employment growth;
  • Identification of specific multi-modal transportation improvements that will serve the needs of county residents, both short- and long-term; and,
  • A determination of which improvements can be funded within the bounds of current and projected financial resources available to the county.

This update is a team effort involving the Collin County Commissioners Court, Planning Board, and Engineering Department; 31 local governments; DART; and, the North Central Texas Council of Governments. Comments and recommendations are also welcome from anyone who uses Collin County's roads, bridges, transit, bike baths and walkways, or whose investment choices are effected by mobility in the county.

We conducted public workshops throughout the past year to share information and gather public opinion. A draft Mobility Plan was prepared, followed by another public workshop to review it. documents from those meetings is below:

Additional Documents

2020ConstrainedProjectsList.pdf2020 Constrained Projects List
2020ConstrainedProjectsMap.pdf2020 Constrained Projects Map
CityandETJLimitsMap.pdfCity and ETJ Limits Map
ConstrainedPlanReport.pdfConstrained Plan Report
FutureLandUseMap.pdfFuture Land Use Map
GrowthProjectionGraph.pdfGrowth Projection Graph
MobilityPlanGlossary.pdfMobility Plan Glossary
MobilityPlanPresentation110112.pdfMobility Plan Presentation 11-01-12
MobilityPlanWorkshopSummaryFeb2013.pdfMobility Plan Workshop Summary Feb 2013
MobilityPlanWorkshopsFeb2013.pdfMobility Plan Workshops Feb 2013
PerrymanStudy.pdfPerryman Study
TrailsPlan.pdfTrails Plan

Public Events

Public Hearing

Monday, April 21, 2014 at 1:30 p.m.
Collin County Commissioners Courtroom
Jack Hatchell Administration Building, 4th Floor
2300 Bloomdale Rd., McKinney, TX 75071

Community Meeting Schedule

Community Meeting to Review Draft Mobility Plan
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Collin College
Central Park Campus – Conference Center D106
2200 West University Drive
McKinney, TX 75070

Visit the Mobility Plan FAQ page for more general information about the plan and answers to commonly asked questions.