Land Division and Development

Requirements for Platting

The Collin County Subdivision Regulations, as directed by Chapter 232 of the Local Government Code (LGC) states that any tract of land that is divided into two (2) or more parts, or any re-subdivision or combining of all or part of any previously platted and recorded subdivision, or any combining of all or part of any previously non-platted tract of land shall adhere to the requirements of the Collin County Subdivision Regulations, unless exempt in accordance with Chapter 232 of the LGC and the Collin County Subdivision Regulations.

All new parcels must have road frontage on a public road or an existing improved private road that has the proper ingress and egress easements. If a new road is being propose along an existing county road, each parcel will need to have a minimum of one-hundred (100) feet of road frontage. If any of the proposed lots do not have the required existing road frontage, new roads will be required and must meet the requirements listed in the Collin County Roadway Standards.

If a development will be served by individual On Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF), an On Site Sewage Facility Suitability Review must be completed prior to submitting the plat to the Engineering Department. This review will result in notes and a signature block that will be added to the plat. Please contact Development Services (DS) for more information about this process. Each parcel must have a minimum of one usable acre for OSSF. A usable acre can be defined as a unit of area equal to at least 43,560 square feet. When calculating the usable acreage of any lot, the gross square footage within the log shall be used, provided that any area that is dedicated for right of way purposes, within a private roadway easement, an easement for a shared access driveway, on any unusable easements or areas as defined by TAC, Title 30, Chapter 285 regarding On Site Sewage Facilities shall be excluded.

If there is any portion of a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated flood plain located on the property to be developed, and the development is at least 5 acres or 50 lots, than a flood study may be required. The flood study will need to determine the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) of the property is located in a Zone A (unstudied creek) area. The flood study will need to prove no adverse impacts to the flood plain up or down stream from the development. More information can be found in the County Floodplain Management Regulations.

Properties located in a City's ETJ:

If the parcel to be developed is within a municipalities Extraterritorial Jurisdiction ("ETJ"), contact that city for more information regarding platting. Properties in an ETJ of a city, that are serviced by individual OSSF must complete an OSSF suitability review through the Collin County Development Services prior to any city plat review. Contact Development Services for more information.

An applicant seeking to construct roadways in a city's ETJ, that are intended to be dedicated for Collin County maintenance, shall comply with the requirements of the city and the Collin County Subdivision Regulations, whichever is more stringent. At a minimum, roadways in a city's ETJ shall adhere to the design, civil construction plan, construction, testing, inspection, and bonding requirements described throughout the Collin County Subdivision Regulations and the Collin County Roadway Standards. The Applicant shall contact the Collin County Engineering Department at 972-548-3727 or for more details on the County's involvement in the infrastructure construction and acceptance process.

Requirements for a Plat Package include:

  1. Plat Application:
    • Fill out the application in it's entirety. The county does not review Preliminary Plats, so all plats are either Final Plats (never previously platted and more than 4 lots), Replats (has been platted previously), Minor Plats (includes 4 or fewer lots), or Amending Plats (minor edits to an existing plat).
  2. Plat Application Fees:
    • The application fee must be paid at the time of the plat submission. The fee is paid to the Development Services office. The fee can be paid in person or over the phone with a credit card. Please contact the Engineering Department at 972-548-3727 or for fee verification prior to submitting any fees to Development Services.
  3. PDF of Plat:
    • The plat will be created by your surveyor and the surveyor will provide you a PDF version. You will need to provide a paper copy of the final plat once signatures are required.
  4. Drainage Plan:
    • The Drainage Plan should show exiting and developed drainage area calculations. The drainage plan shall be sufficient to determine the required plat drainage easements.
  5. Completed Flood Study review if needed:
    • Flood Studies shall be submitted and approved prior to submitting a plat package. You must submit the flood study approval letter with your plat package.
  6. Completed Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) if needed:
    • TIAs shall be submitted and approved prior to submitting a plat package. You must submit the TIA approval letter with your plat package.
  7. Completed On Site Sewage Facility Review if needed:
    • OSSF suitability reviews shall be submitted to Development Services and approved prior to submitting a plat package to the Engineering Department. You must submit the OSSF Suitability Review approval letter with your plat package.
  8. Current Tax Certification Form:
  9. Utility Will Service Letters from Water and Electric provider:
    • Contact your service providers for these letters.
  10. Deed showing ownership for all parcels to be included on the plat:
  11. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Driveway permit approvals if needed:
    • If any proposed or modified driveways will connect to a TxDOT maintained roadway, a copy of the approved TxDOT driveway permit is required.

Administratively complete plat packages will be considered by the Commissioners Court within 30 days. An applicant will be notified of the date a plat will be considered in Commissioners Court.

More information regarding the plat approval process can be found in the Collin County Subdivision Regulations.

Once all the requirements for plat approval; and any subsequent construction and/or bonding requirements have been met as outlined in the Collin County Subdivision Regulations, the plat may be submitted for signatures and recorded with the Collin County Clerk.


CollinCountyDrainageManual09-28-2020.pdfCollin County Drainage Manual 09-28-2020
Collin County Floodplain Regulations_11-4-2024.pdfCollin County Floodplain Regulations_11-4-2024
CollinCountyRoadwayStandards09-28-2020.pdfCollin County Roadway Standards 09-28-2020
CollinCountySubdivisionRegs09-28-2020.pdfCollin County Subdivision Regs 09-28-2020
ManufacturedHomeRentals.pdfManufactured Home Rentals
PlatApp09-28-2020.pdfPlat App 09-28-2020