Title Transfer Procedures

​​Documents Needed:

  1. Title or MCO: Original signatures required. Acceptable ID is required at the time of title transfer. No alterations or erasures.

    The original title or MCO (Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin) must be dated and signed by the sellers (all persons shown on the front of the title must sign) and the buyers (all persons shown on the application form, 130-U, must sign.) An MCO will only have space for the seller to sign. Therefore, a separate odometer statement must be signed by both the buyer and the seller.

  2. Release of Lien (if applicable)

    A signed and dated release of lien is required if the previous owner had a lien recorded on the title. The release may be signed off the title itself or may be a separate form.

  3. Proof of Insurance: Current insurance required. Must meet Texas minimums: 30/60/25.

    Proof of insurance is required in the name of the buyer. Insurance on another vehicle can be shown for up to 30 days from the date of sale unless the vehicle was previously titled and registered out of state.

  4. Title Application: 130-U. Original signatures from buyer or authorized agent.

    A completed and signed application for Texas title, 130-U. This form can be faxed on demand from 1-888-232-7033 or downloaded through the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles website.

  5. Supporting Evidence (if applicable)

    Other supporting evidence may be required on an individual basis. Example: Out of state vehicles require an inspection form, VI-30-A. Commercial vehicles sometimes require a weight slip. Other supporting evidence may be Power of Attorney, Odometer statement, repossession form, dealer reassignment, etc.

  6. Emissions Test Results: Exemptions include: 1996 or newer with less than 50,000 miles, diesel, motorcycle, antique, title only, or dual fueled.

    Proof of emissions test is required at the time of a retail sale on a used vehicle only if the vehicle was previously registered in a non-compliance county.

    You are NOT REQUIRED PROOF if vehicle is exempt or you bought your vehicle from one of the following counties: Brazoria, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, El Paso, Ft Bend, Galveston, Harris, Johnson, Kaufman, Montgomery, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant, Travis, and Williamson. Updates to these counties are listed on the Department of Public Safety website.

  7. Fees Payment

    Credit Cards are now accepted for motor vehicle transactions. The service charge for credit card payments is 2.10% of the transaction amount (minimum $2.00). We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express cards. Checks accepted at the counter only if pre-printed with customer name, current address, and presented with a current Texas driver's license. The address must match the current vehicle record.

    The title transfer fees will be tax, title, and license. Usually the sales tax is due. You may be eligible for an exemption or you may qualify for another type of tax. Tax of 6.25% is due on either the SPV (Standard Presumptive Value, posted on this site: www.txdmv.gov), or the purchase price of a vehicle; or on the certified appraisal value. Legislative changes, effective Oct. 1, 2006 changed the way we calculate motor vehicle sales and use tax on used vehicles to a private party. Please contact the office to determine the type of sale and the tax due. The title fee is $33.00, and the license fees vary. Contact the office for exact license registration fees.

  8. Penalties

    To avoid penalties, transfer title within 30 Calendar days from date of sale or entry into Texas.

    Sales tax penalties: After 30 Calendar days, an additional 5% of the sales tax is assessed, and increases to 10% if not transferred after an additional 30 calendar days.

    Transfer penalties: A $25 transfer penalty is assessed if vehicle is not transferred within 30 Calendar days. $25 will be added for every additional 30 days not transferred.

Mail or Bring to Tax Office

Texas vehicle transfers may take place in the county of the buyer, seller, or lienholder. Please see the vehicle registration page for Collin County Tax Office address and contact information.