Services and Forms

​​​​​​​​The Collin County Tax Office provides motor vehicle services to Collin County taxpayers from three tax office locations (see addresses on main page), several other subcontractor locations within the county (see requirements on Registration Renewal Page), and online (see requirements on Texas Department of Motor Vehicles website). Services for property tax collection of Ad Valorem taxes for 43 taxing jurisdictions are collected at all three tax office locations and online through Certified Payments.

Online Services

Use the following links to complete transactions online:


Use the following forms to either correct your address, request a written statement regarding your tax payment history, or apply for the residential homestead exemption. Mailing instructions are included with each form.


addresschange.pdfAddress Change
inspections-and-weight-station-information.pdfInspections and Weight Station Information
motor-vehicle-contact-information.pdfMotor Vehicle Contact Information
nttaregistrationblockinfo.pdfPayment Plan
permissionletter.pdfPermission Letter
PrivateBidForm.pdfPrivate Bid Form
refundapplicationform.pdfRefund Application Form
reqwrtnstatement.pdfRequest for Written Statement
ResaleFAQ.pdfResale FAQ
taxratesummary.pdfTax Rate Entity Summary
taxratehistory.pdfTax Rate History
governing-body-contacts.pdfTaxing Entity Governing Body Contact Information
truth-in-taxation-definitions.pdfTruth in Taxation Definitions