Struck-Off Property Information

​​​​​Properties that went to a Sheriff's Sale and were not sold are called struck-off properties. The owner of the property is now the taxing unit(s). When the property is bid, or struck-off to the entity, the deed will be made out to the taxing entities, and filed with the County Clerk's office.

These properties may be sold through a private bidding process if all taxing entities with a claim on them agree and approve offers from prospective buyers. For Collin County, the law firm of Abernathy, R​oeder, Boyd& Hullett processes those bids and submits them to the taxing entities for final approval/acceptance. Interested bidders can download this Private Bid Form and read the Resale FAQ for more information.

The Account Numbers correspond to Central Appraisal District's Geographic ID search fields to make your research go smoother.

Struck-Off Properties

expand Status : Sold ‎(64)