The Collin County Sheriff's Office only registers Sex Offenders that live in the unincorporated areas or in cities of Collin County that do not have Police Departments. All other sex offenders are registered by the law enforcement agency where they live.
To contact the current Sheriff's Office Sex Offender Registrar, please call (972) 547-5191 or email
OffenderWatch - Sex Offender Database
The Collin County Sheriff's Office is making available a citizen-friendly, easy to use, sex offender registry for all of Collin County. This registry will enable citizens to search for the presence of registered sex offenders in proximity to their homes, places of work, schools and day-care centers. This information is being provided to the public in a form they can easily use any time day or night via OffenderWatch.
Citizens may enter any address of interest to them, and see a map and listing of offenders within one mile of that address. Then, they may register the address to be continuously monitored by their respective agencies, which will send to them an email alerting them if an offender should register an address within one mile of their registered address. Citizens may confidentially register as many addresses as they like, at no cost. The purpose of the program is to lessen the anxiety of citizens by proactively alerting them should an offender/predator move within proximity to them.
OffenderWatch - Safe Virtual Neighborhood
OffenderWatch Safe Virtual Neighborhood, a free mobile app designed to keep families informed and safer from sexual predators. When parents or guardians download the free app on their child's smartphone, they'll be able to see their child's location and locations of registered sex offenders. They will also receive free alerts when a sex offender moves into their neighborhood.
The free app will allow you to find your family, find sex offenders near you, and receive alerts from our office.
Additional Resources
Additionally, all Sex Offenders registered with the Sheriff's Office are promptly forwarded to the
Texas Department of Public Safety and will be listed on their web site. Persons living in the incorporated limits of a city in Collin County should also check with their local Police Departments to determine if Sex Offenders live in their area.
To search the statewide database, visit the
TxDPS Public Sex Offender Registry webpage.